

Combining multiple lines of business into a responsive design experience


This project combined multiple lines of business into a single buyflow, streamlining the checkout process and creating a much smoother and delightful experience for the user. Below is a smaple of the Buy FLow and the Cart Summary page.

The project spans multiple pages and covers all aspects of customer information, accessories access, upsell and cross sell features, installation, payment, availability, review and closing.

Click here to see an early prototype of the project buy flow.

Click for Prototype Sample

1. Case study

In order to make the user experience smoother, wireline and wireless product streams were combined into a single buyflow. This combined multiple departments and their requirements into a large, unified project.

2. Result

By combining product options and streamlining the process the user can now enjoy a much simpler and fluid buying experience. The simplification removed a lot of clutter and potentially frustrating steps from the buyflow process.

3. Experience

This project was a huge undertaking that spanned almost two years and had a team of almost 200 people. Many lessons were learned and processes revised, it was an excellent and successful learning experience.