
Last minute deals

offering Cross sell and up sell offerings after the buy flow


This projected called for the updated design and placement of a “Last Chance Deals” component in the buy flow. A study was conducted on 3 visual treatments.

It was decided to create a stand alone page after the purchase experience, as they were found to be distracting while the customer was focused on their order and purchase process.

Test participants preferred images rather than straight text, and didn’t mind seeing the offers as long as they were separate from their purchase flow.

1. Case study

There was a need to offer Up Sell and Cross Sell offers on products and services while the customer was in the purchase checkout flow. Through testing and redesign we came up with a simple and effective option for extended purchases.

2. Result

By analyzing the testing results we were able to adjust the focus to allow the customer to complete their intended purchase, then include related offers they might be interested in without irritating or confusing them.

3. Experience

The time and effort it took from concept to testing, designing and enhancing paid off with a simple and effective approach to addition sales through these special offers.