Mountain View
Catalog set intorducing the four product areas


This is a series of four catalogs that highlight the companies product lines. The project consisted of photographing scenes and products, compositing photo elements into comprehensive examples of the products.
Presenting the products as they would be used in context, all product shots required consistent color correcting, as many images came from multiple sources. Most all of the imaging were created through composites from multiple sources.
Once complete, I prepared files for international printing along with overseeing press checks for quality and consistency. The final products were prepared for print and PDF format that was functional for email attachments and web page download.

1. Case study

Create a simple and elegant catalog series that not only shows the products, along with actual design samples, but also gives a feel for the concept and quality of the company and their unique position.

2. Result

The catalogs lead a rebranding for the company and have been extremely successful as handouts in the showrooms, responses for information requests and direct mailing.

3. Experience

This was a large effort using disciplines from photography, retouching, color correcting, design and layout, print management and file compression. It was a very successful effort, and helped further establish the client.